Painting has stalled once again with other hobbies taking precedence.
We did manage to have a game of Blood and Plunder - first game of autumn season.
I did do some inventory of painted stuff and decided I needed more Polish cossack style cavalry to round up my choices if we get to play division game again - and also in case of doing skirmish games with Polish lists. So I got the box of Warsaw 1656 cavalry regiment. I already had in my stash a box of pancerni and a box of petyhorchy. I assembled the whole lot to be able to prime this outside before he outset of the winter. I was positively surprised by the sculpts of the cavalry regiment cossacks. I was already bored with the cossacks in skirmishbox and cossack box, so finding all new sculpts here I was a happy camper. Mixing pancerni and cossacks I assembled the troops as 2 elite banners of pancerni, 2 elite banners of cossacks, banner of cossacks with spears and pancerni banner. (Elites have shields to mark them.) Petyhorchi got lances but no shields.
Petyhochy with lances, elite pancerny, elite cossacks, cossacks with spears and some more pancerny |
Maalaus on ollut hiljaista. Listojen vilkuilu ja figujen inventaario toteamaan, että puolalaisdivisioona oikeastaan kaipailee mahdollisuuden tehdä 2 ratsurykmenttiä ja kahakkalistoillakin lisäpancernylle ja kasakoille olisi tarvetta. sai minut hankkimaan Varsova 1656 ratsurykmentin. Kokoilin sen ja varastosta löytyneet pancerny ja petyhorchylaatikot. Mukavaa kyllä rykmentin kasakat ovat uusia skulpteja.
Kasakkarykmentin ja petyhorchin jälkeen kokoilin QR miniaturesin husaarit. Inhottavat kaksiosaiset peitset ja se,e ttei husaareille ole kahakkapelissä ole ollut juuri tarvetta on viivyttänyt näiden kaverieden kokoamista. Ovat varusteiltaan 1600 luvun alkua ja joukossa näyttäisi olevan varsinaisten husaarien lisäksi myös seuralaisia.
Some hussars from QR miniatures. Equipment of early 17th century. Guys with capalinas, the brimmed iron hats, might be companions instead of true hussars. Inspiring sculpts and may get on the table with the 1656 cavalry as Lithuanian hussars even though they are fifty years early.
On other hand I should finish the guys below to have space on the table to start with this new batch.
Ennenkuin pääsen puolalaisten pariin, pöydältä pitäisi kuitenkin viimeistellä edelliset projektit. Sipaheja, renesanssireitereita, tataareja, puunilaisia ja ligurialaisia.