Partly to motivate, partly to visualize what I am doing. Project Carthage gathered on the gaming table.
Here is the stuff I have based and partly painted. Quite a bunch, but for proper game of Hail Caesar, more would be needed. Luckily there is option of trying Sword and Spear as mid-level goal scheduled to this autumn.
From back left: campanian hoplites unpainted, Thorakitai, partly in colors, small unit of African veterans, 2 units on mostly painted Libyan spearmen, Painted in midleft Italian allies by Xyston, naked bunch of Gauls, Iberian scutarii, and Libyan heavy cavalry
line of five elephants of various makers
line of infantry skirmishers, slingers, numidians caetrati and more slingers
line of cavalry skirmishers on left Numidians, on the right Tarantines.
Projekti Karthago motivaatio ja inventaariosyistä pöydälle koottuna ne figut jotka ovat jo basetettuja. Aika paljon, mutta enemmän tarvitaan Hail Caesar peliin. Välietappina olisi tarkoitus tyypata Sword and Spear, syksyn aikana.
Kauimpana takavasemmalla Campanialaiset hopliitit vielä mustina, heidän edessään thorakitai-yksikkö,keskellä 4 basea afrikkalaisia veteraaneja roomalaisilta takavarikoiduissa varusteissa ja oikealla reunalla 2 yksikköä libyalaisia keihäsmiehiä. Keskirivissä vasemmalta xystonin italialaiset, OldGloryn galleja, yksikkö espanjalaisia scutareja ja oikealla libyalaista raskasta ratsuväkeä.
Välillä viiden norsun linja, jonka edessä linkomiehiä, numidiheittokeihäsmiehiä, espanjalaisia caetrateja ja lisää linkomiehiä. Eturivissä numidiratsuväkeä ja tarantinolaista kevyttä ratsuväkeä.
More Gauls are already in the works, and I have some more FiB Libyan spearmen, unit of Etruscans, unit of Scutarii and Celtiberians, Oscan armored and unarmored peltasts and unit of illyrians(to play ligurians maybe). For laughs I took Black Hat hoplites 1 unit. Incoming are three more units of hoplites, Etruscan hoplites, Libyan militia hoplites, Libyan heavy cavalry, 2 different Spanish cavalry units and Numidian elephants. And Gaulish cavalry from Old Glory. Alltogether scary amount of stuff to paint and a bit heavy on the cavalry. And Elephants. A bit much for a playable army, but I aimed for ability to field an Magna Graecian-Italian or Syracusan army, and in Sword and Spear have both Carthage and that on the field at the same time.
Projektiin kuuluu lisää galleja, joista osa on jo maalattavana beissamattomina, ratsuväki vasta tilattuna. Kotona, mutta valmistelematta on Forged in Battlen Libyalaisia keihäsmiehiä vielä jonkun verran, etruskihopliitteja pilumeilla, iberialaisia ja keltibereitä yhteensä kahteen yksikköön, yksikkö illyrialaisia (esittämään ligurialaisia tai muita puolisivistyneitä keveitä jalkamiehiä), oskilaisia peltasteja haarniskalla ja ilman (joko keveäksi tai keskiraskaaksi jalkaväeksi). Black hatilta on hopliittiyksikkö. Tilauksessa on vielä etruskilainen hopliittiyksikkö, 3 erilaista kreikkalaishopliittien laumaa, libyalainen kansalaishopliittien yksikkö, libyalaista raskasta ratsuväkeä, espanjalaista ratsuväkeä kaksi yksikköä ja numidialaisia norsuja. Järkyttävä maalausurakka, vaikka yksiköt kyllä tulevatkin melko valmiiseen kuntoon asti hyvin nopeasti. Aika paljon tinaa yhdeksi armeijaksi ja varsinkin ratsuväkeä ja norsuja on suhteessa paljon. Toisaalta tarjoaa jo rungon Etelä-Italian kreikkalaisen tai Syrakusan armeijan pelaamiseen, Sword and spearissa jopa karthagiolaisia vastaan.
maanantai 25. heinäkuuta 2016
Wip Turks and ancients
Following Eurocup and re-enactment camp took most of the time in June and early July.
So very little painting got done.
I got cemaat of janissaries underway and complemented some earlier miscallenous turks:
Some SCW nationalists got prepared for painting - as well as some ancients:
Old Glory gauls - huge brutes in comparison to their FiG compatriots
FiG Campanian hoplites
Some more elephants - I need lots if we ever get to do Zama. Right? Truth be told I just feel like collecting the pachyderms.
Tarentine light cavalry. I blame the Osprey book I ordered half by chance. In case Syracuse/ Magna Graecia army to oppose Carthagese gets done these have good use and in Carthage they can be used as allies- allthough they have same use as Numidian cavalry I already had.
Xyston Oscans, Campanians and Apulians mixed into one unit and Xyston Javelinmen as light infantry. Xyston javelinmen were so inspiring I rushed them to front of the queue and here is the result prewash:
Shields with freehand are inspiring and very frustrating at the same time. Same thing is waiting with the heavier Italian infantry and Gauls I am afraid. I have decals - fitted for smaller shields of Forged in Battle troops.
So very little painting got done.
I got cemaat of janissaries underway and complemented some earlier miscallenous turks:
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Janissaries, azaps and corsairs. Mix of wargamer and museum miniatures |
Old Glory gauls - huge brutes in comparison to their FiG compatriots
FiG Campanian hoplites
Some more elephants - I need lots if we ever get to do Zama. Right? Truth be told I just feel like collecting the pachyderms.
Tarentine light cavalry. I blame the Osprey book I ordered half by chance. In case Syracuse/ Magna Graecia army to oppose Carthagese gets done these have good use and in Carthage they can be used as allies- allthough they have same use as Numidian cavalry I already had.
Xyston Oscans, Campanians and Apulians mixed into one unit and Xyston Javelinmen as light infantry. Xyston javelinmen were so inspiring I rushed them to front of the queue and here is the result prewash:
Shields with freehand are inspiring and very frustrating at the same time. Same thing is waiting with the heavier Italian infantry and Gauls I am afraid. I have decals - fitted for smaller shields of Forged in Battle troops.
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