Despite May being month of medieval pursuits more than painting I actually managed to get stuff off the table to waiting varnish stage: tatar torhaks, their prisoners, Spanish caetrati and some supply wagons.
Two units of tatarwarriors. |
Long trek to slave markets in Crimea. Generic enough for Gaulish or Germanic slaves too. Peter Pig prisoners. |
Pitkällä marssilla orjamarkkinoille.Sen verran geneeristä, että kelpaavat myös antiikin ajan peleihin. Peter Pigin figuja. |
Forged in Battle caetrati. Hispanialaisia kevytaseisia. |
Wagons have waited on table for almost two years. I had trouble assembling them and was very unmotivated to do anything to them. Friends hint of using blue tack to help with gluingprocess was the nudge I needed.
Essexin tykkivaljakko, Wargamerin vankkureita. |